Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions


Post 20 open-ended questions for approval you want to ask an expert in the field of your senior project. The first question should be your essential question and the other 19 must help you answer your essential question. Once you have possible answers, you may want to ask questions to help you get a more in-depth understanding of your answers.

  1. What is the best way for an overweight teenager to reach a healthy weight?
  2. What do you consider a healthy diet?
  3. What nutrients are necessary for an active lifestyle?
  4. How should a person with medical conditions, as a result from obesity (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol), eat and exercise?
  5. What is your take on the food pyramid?
  6. What are some similarities and differences between vegetarian diets, and "normal" (diet that includes meat product) diets?
  7. How important is sleep in relation to fitness? Is it true that sleep deprivation is linked to obesity?
  8. Why is flexibility a main component of fitness?
  9. What is a healthy caloric intake?
  10. What is the difference between calories and calories from fat?
  11. What are short term and long term benefits of having a healthy diet?
  12. What are short term and long term benefits of living an active lifestyle?
  13. What are some obstacles that may be encountered when changing to a fit lifestyle?
  14. How beneficial is a fitness plan, for a person trying to reach a healthy weight?
  15. Can you give me an example of a good fitness/nutritional plan?
  16. How many days should a person workout, in a week?
  17. Does spending time in a sauna, help a person lose weight?
  18. Why is drinking water important? 
  19. What is essential in each workout? 
  20. How should one mentally prepare for making such a big change in their life?
  21. Do you have any other tips for me?

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