Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog 2: Topic Choice

What is your topic and why? 
  • I want my topic to be based on how to attain a fit and healthy body. With my mentorship, I have learned that there's much more to fitness than what people think. In order to have the best possible results you have to have knowledge of what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. I want to further explore these realms of fitness, apply my findings to myself, and attain a healthy body.  
And what do you hope to accomplish this year with this topic? (connecting your answer to each of the 4 ESLRs) 
  • iPoly Citizen: I plan to motivate others and raise awareness to the importance of fitness. This relates to the me improving as a iPoly citizen because by motivating people to become more physically active  and raising awareness to the importance of fitness, I will contribute to the well-being of the ipoly community, promote a positive school environment, and demonstrate to others the and current issue of obesity and its impact on our society. My topic contributes to the well being of the iPoly community and positive school environment because it will help people learn to make healthier choices and be less at risk of getting a diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease. 
  • Effective Communicator: I plan to reach out to the iPoly community by doing my part and learning everything there is to my topic, and hosting group discussions or lectures or starting a club. I will try to have a fitness challenge that the iPoly community could work together to achieve, maybe an obstacle course during iFest or Scare Faire. This will make me more effective as a communicator because by reaching out to people in different ways, I will get my point across and people will know about the importance of fitness in their everyday lives, and that they are not alone when trying to achieve their fitness goals. 
  • Effective Learner: I plan to take initiative for my learning. I will be updated and informed with important dates and details, I will ask questions in class when I need clarification, and I will use all my resources for problem solving. I also plan to actively engage in class lectures and assignments. This will make me more effective as a learner because by being informed with what is going on, I will be able to come to class prepared, turn my work in on time, and be able to achieve proficiency in all my academic classes. Asking questions will allow me to become a more efficient problem solver by gaining more knowledge. Last but not least, by engaging in class I will be more informed and further increase my knowledge.
  • Effective User of Technology: I plan to incorporate a variety of programs/softwares into my learning and assignments. I plan to use technology as a resource in order to further my understanding of a subject. This will make me more effective as a user of technology because it will further enhance my skills with technology, and gain more practice with the techno-logic product I will be using. 

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